The Art of Healing Comes From Nature

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

The Art of Healing Comes From Nature

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

Our Clinic

At The Oak Practice, we take pride in our peaceful and welcoming place where you can concentrate on your health. Our clinic is designed to help you feel calm and recover.

A Tranquil Setting
Our clinic is a calm and carefully arranged space with simple design and decor. Soft lights and relaxing colours make it feel peaceful.

Comfort and Privacy
Privacy and comfort are fundamental at The Oak Practice. Our treatment rooms are quiet getaways where you can unwind and focus on your health.

How do we Achieve Results...

Addressing the Root Causes

At The Oak Practice, we realise that the current healthcare setup often doesn’t get to the core of chronic conditions and tricky health problems. Many treatments focus on managing symptoms rather than finding complete, lasting answers.

Our Holistic Approach

We focus on using different skills and methods to address the main reasons for your health issues. Our approach is personalised for your needs, combining different methods to create a complete treatment plan. By dealing with the core issues, we aim to reduce long-term problems and achieve lasting results, even with tough cases.

The Oak Practice Experience

Proven Methods

Our treatments are grounded in evidence-based practices. Our specialisations are recognised for their effectiveness in improving physical and mental health. We track your progress to ensure meaningful results.

Convenient and Flexible

We provide flexible appointment options to suit your schedule. Whether you need mornings or weekends, we’re here to accommodate you.

Confidential and Professional

Your privacy and confidentiality come first. You choose what to share with us, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for therapy.

Start Your Journey Today

Transformative Results

Many of our clients see big improvements in how they feel, both physically and mentally, and more than 90% finish their treatment plans successfully.

Personalised Support

We’re committed to your success. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you achieve your health goals.

Watch Our Video to See How We Address Your Unique Health Needs and Achieve Remarkable Outcomes

Is The Oak Practice Right for You?

Real Stories, Real Results

Shaina Evangelidis
Shaina Evangelidis
I was introduced to Stephen from a relative's referral who after visiting many osteopaths and practitioners, had experienced a remarkable recovery from his treatment. After years of suffering with shoulder pains, headaches and back issues, Stephen managed to identify the problems from the root. I was amazed by his findings from the very 1st time I visited him. He's very professional and thorough with his patients. i have been pain free since i have seen Stephen after just a few sessions. I call him the miracle doctor. Thank you Stephen for sorting me out.
Was recommended to Stephen through a friend and will be passing on the amazing recommendation to others. Half an hour assesment with him & some alignment issues were discovered. This is the first morning I have awoken without back pain in years. Truly amazing what he can do.
Mark Levermore
Mark Levermore
I've been visiting Stephen Makinde for many years with musculo-skeletal issues and his thorough knowledge and expertise has always quickly improved my recovery and mobility. I saw him most recently with what turned out to be trapped nerves causing pins and needles in my hands, and with the application of powerful gentle corrective measures, my neck mobility has greatly improved and the pins and needles are subsiding. With one or two visits Stephen is always confident that he can address the underlying problems and provide you with fixes to conditions you might have thought were there for good. If you've any aches, pains or mobility issues that concern you don't hesitate to see him, Stephen is as keen as his patients to provide rapid yet lasting treatments and grant you a whole new lease of life!
Nolan Giblen
Nolan Giblen
We recently had the privilege of being treated by Stephen Makinde and we cannot express our gratitude enough. Our 10 year old daughter has struggled for the last three years with chronic hip pain. We have visited several healthcare professionals without finding a satisfactory solution. However, Stephen approached our daughter with a holistic approach, unwavering dedication and expertise. The condition involved consistent chronic hip pain, she was unable to participate in sports, simple activity such as walking up and downstairs was challenging. Stephen examined her medical history, conducted a meticulous physical assessment and listened attentively. His ability to connect the dots and consider a holistic view has been truly refreshing and amazing. Combining the osteopathic techniques, physical rehabilitation and tailored exercises has resulted in slow, but steady improvement. Our daughter's pain has subsided, her mobility increased and she has re-gained her confidence. In a world where healthcare can sometimes feel impersonal, Stephen stands out as a beacon of excellence. Thank you for transforming our daughter. You are a credit to your profession and in Ellie's words...." He's a genius!"
Stephen is amazingly knowledgeable and got me back to work quickly after putting my back out lifting a fish tank. My brother recommended Stephen to me and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend The Oak Practice to anyone with an injury or problem that Stephen can help with.
Daniel Hobbs
Daniel Hobbs
Stephen is excellent. Very knowledgeable and more importantly got me back to work swiftly after a back injury. Will recommend Stephen to everyone and will certainly use him again for any future injury’s.
Matt Newman
Matt Newman
I was referred to Stephen when my knee injury was not responding to traditional physiotherapy methods. Within 1 session with Stephen, the problem was diagnosed, treated and solved. It is now nearly 2 months since my first visit to Stephen and my knee has been pain free ever since for the first time in years. A true miracle worker, I would recommend him to anyone who has an issue that is bothering them and needs solving, even those issues that you have tried unsuccessfully to solve with other professionals.
Matt Himsworth
Matt Himsworth
I was introduced to Steve Makinde via a good friend (a former athlete) to try to deal with a hamstring problem that had arisen from historic back issues. I'm in my 40s and have had back and hamstring issues since my teenage years and the latest problem was significant and had stopped me playing vets football (an important activity for my physical and mental health) for a number of months. The treatment, for me, was transformative, including addressing some real long standing problems I had with flexibility and the underlying issues with my back. Not only am I back playing and fit again, I have now touched my toes for the first time since I was a teenager! I would highly recommend Steve to anyone.
Alan Pickard
Alan Pickard
I was first introduced to Stephen and the Oak Practice through Mid Herts Golf Club, where he has a practice. He is very professional and experienced and has put me on a plan to improve the Arthritis and mobility in my knees, which I now feel they are stronger and giving me more flexibility of movement.
Patricia Bridgeman
Patricia Bridgeman
I first heard of Stephen through my Pilates teacher who knew I had problems with labyrinthitis and that the medication given to me by my GP only worked whilst taking it. Stephen asked lots of questions and has now solved the problem with manipulation of my head and jaw and giving me exercises to do at home. I have found him to be very knowledgeable, kind and helpful He has also helped me with longstanding back pain, I would not hesitate to see him again

Our goal is to support you in living without boundaries.

We assist you in caring for your body so that both your body and mind will look after you.

Contact Us

If we are not able to answer your call, You can leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours.

Phone: 01582 383355

Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 8PM 
Saturday & Sunday: 9AM- 5PM

Tell us about the appointment you’d like to make and we will email or call you back (whichever you prefer).

[email protected]

Ready to start your journey to better health? Reach out to us to book your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.